We are aware that there are a number of providers that advertise courses with no end duration and seem to promise the earth. Coursetopia believes this approach is dishonest and not practical.
We carefully plan and state the expected duration of every course depending on a number of factors such as content, research, course specification, guided learning hours and total qualification time. Coursetopia believes in being honest and the need for deadlines due to a number of reasons.
The first being the need to ensure that all evidence is current, reliable and sufficient. We expect all evidence to be at least a year old. Remember if you leave it too late and there are changes such as legislation then your evidence will not be current, reliable and sufficient.
The second reason is the management of our courses and your registration. Offering registration and support which is infinite is not only dishonest but also a recipe for disaster. First of all awarding body registration is not infinite. There is a time limit for all registrations.
Secondly, it will become difficult to manage our courses if we do not know how many learners are active at a particular time. Your assessors will struggle to manage with supporting you effectively with goal setting and targets. This will also have an impact on your motivation levels as it will become easy to lose interest with your learning.
Allowing you to have an infinite time on the course might also be setting you to fail. Time management is a key skill which we have to embed throughout our courses as part of our wider skills initiative. Qualifications such as the Assessor, Internal Quality Assurance, Teacher training will require you to demonstrate good time management. Being unable to meet this might suggest you will not be able to manage time with your own learners.
It will be difficult for us to offer discounted pricing as there will be risks of costs going up when learners end up being supported for much longer than originally planned. This has an impact on the quality of the course, running of the organisation and employment of staff.
Not having deadlines is very much similar to us being a restaurant that offers you to pay for a meal and in return, you can visit as many times and as long as you want for an infinite time.
Coursetopia will always extend your course within the awarding body time frame were there is genuine learner needs such as extenuating circumstances.