Total Qualification Time (TQT) was introduced by Ofqual as part of replacing the Qualification Credit Framework (QCF) and moving to the Regulated Qualified Framework (RQF). The aim was to make it easy to understand the makeup of qualifications, how they relate to one another and length. Prior to TQT, qualifications were mainly determined by credit values.
Total Qualification Time aims to determine the level and size of qualifications. It is only calculated for the entire qualification and not at the unit level. Size refers to how long it takes to complete a qualification. This focuses on the number of guided learning hours required and an estimate of self-study (unsupervised) hours a candidate requires to competently complete a qualification.
The following boundaries exist for the allocation of a qualification size:
Award has a TQT value of 120 hours orless
Certificate has a TQT value of 121–369 hours
Diploma has aTQT value of 370 or more hours