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Guide to responding to your coursework Tasks

Before responding to any coursework task you need to find out the assessment criteria associated with it. After you find out the assessment criteria, it is also paramount to actually know the learning outcome associated with it. This will enable you to fully understand the context required when providing your evidence. Also remember the title of the unit associated with the learning outcomes and assessment criteria as this will also give you context. Learning outcomes describe what you should be able to do as a learner while the assessment criteria refers what you can do and how it is will be judged.

Dealing with learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria’s always work hand in hand. Just focusing on the assessment criteria might lead you astray as you might end up generalising or writing everything you know about the subject highlighted by the assessment criteria.

Looking at the unit ‘Interact with clients using a range of media’ highlighted below you can see there are five learning outcomes. If you are asked under 2.1 to identify any problems in an interaction you are being asked to focus on issues of maintaining interactions with clients. Remember the unit title is “interact with clients using a range of media” you should therefore remember that when responding to the question the context of the whole unit and the learning outcome will need to be applied.

Your response should focus on issues associated with using media. For example, issues like one of your client’s not having access to a smartphone which therefore means they cannot use apps such as “what's up”. There could also be issues regarding the area where the client might be leaving which has got poor reception therefore impacting communication. The client might also not know how to use web conference software such as Zoom, Teams which might also have an impact on the interaction.

ag unit 6

Looking again at the unit above learning outcomes number one, two, three and five all start with “Be able to” which means that this is a requirement to demonstrate practice. All the assessment criteria associated with the learning outcomes require evidence of practice.

Learning outcome four starts with “Understand how to” which means only demonstration of knowledge and understanding is required. All the assessment criteria under this learning outcome start with ‘explain’. Just an explanation is required here. You are encouraged to make links to your own specialist area so that it is clear and easy for anyone reading your work to see what the subject being addressed applies and really means to you. It is important you ensure your evidence fully meets the principles of Assessment. You can also refer to our guide regarding the quality of your evidence.

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