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Information about NVQS

Distance Learning

Distance learning has its advantages and drawbacks. It allows candidates to access and achieve qualifications regardless of their geographical location. This, in turn, results in saving costs as there is reduced travel. You will also get to study from the comfort of your own home. You will also benefit from less time-wasting associated with some classroom based courses where the focus is on course duration rather on how individual learners can return information. The disadvantage is that you will find your self starring the computer screen more than interacting with ours. You will require a lot of self-discipline to remain motivated and focused as you might not experience some push factors normally associated with classroom study.

Delivery by Distance Online Learning

We are committed to enhancing your learning with us and do use technology to mimic some of the face to face contact and interactions normally associated with classroom support. We have an appointment system which you can utilise to arrange tutorials and support with your assessors. We also utilise video conference using Zoom for tutorials or regular webinars which take place at least once every two weeks. The web conferences are designed to allow both you and your assessor  to be able to demonstrate and share screens in real time.

Please bear in mind that we deliver regulated qualification which have a guided learning requirement. We, therefore, have to fully deliver the courses we advertise. We do not just leave you to get on with it without support. We expect you to interact with us. As a provider, we are expected to demonstrate we have delivered our courses while you, on the other hand, have to prove that you have learned. All our RQF courses will have clear learning outcomes and assessment criteria.

As part of our distance learning, we provide access to our Online portal where you can access resources, communicate with your assessor, other staff and other candidates on the forums. The Online portal will have a mixture of resources designed to entice various learning styles. We have also embedded some minimum core skills such as numeracy, literacy, language and IT. We also embed wider skills as standard.

Depending on the nature of your course we sometimes provide printed resources, a course book, and USB memory stick. This is normally provided to candidates on courses which are longer than 6 months. We embrace collaborative learning and encourage you to be active as much as you can. Our support team is available on our Online chat system to assist with any admin issues. You can also benefit from peer support anytime from our course delivery team.

The good news for distance learning is that the qualification and certificate you will receive will have the same value as any other gained from other modes of learning. Your certificate will not state your qualification was earned by distance learning. A lot of employers and regulators are now more open about distance learning as an effective mode of study.