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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training - teacher qualification

The Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET course) has replaced the Level 5 Diploma in the Lifelong Sector (DTLLS). This teachers qualification is not only open to teachers who work in traditional settings such as universities and colleges. The course is also available to trainers, instructors, coaches regardless of their geographical location as long as you have access to 100 teaching hours (including those who teach on a one to one basis). This course is regarded as equivalent to the Certificate of Education (CertEd). It is also a good alternative to the Postgraduate Certificate in Education. This Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training will enable you to apply for QTLS and be a recognised qualified teacher. Teachers with QTLS can also teach in schools.

Coursetopia encourages candidates to submit naturally occurring evidence from their work environment to demonstrate competency against the practical requirements of the course. We welcome other evidence such as prior learning and do not just rely on assignments. This can include schemes of work, assessment reports, course resources and communication records.

The course has a 360 hours guided learning requirement. The total qualification time is 1200 hours. You are usually expected to complete this course within 5 to 12 months depending on the combination of units you have selected and progress.

Course Structure of this Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

To be awarded the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training you will be expected to achieve a minimum 120 credits by completing the following seven units:

Unit Title Credits
1 Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training 20
2 Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training 20
3 Theories, principles and models in education and training 20
4 Wider professional practice and development in education and training 15
5 Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area 15
6 Inclusive Practice 15
7 Teaching in a specialist area 15

If you are a holder of the Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the lifelong Sector (CTLLS) or the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training you will be exempted from completing Unit 2. We might be able to recognise any other optional units you completed as long as they were at level 4 or above. We will also recognise your 30 hours teaching and 3 hours of observations.

Combined Options

We have bundled units or courses together to enable you to achieve some of the popular qualifications in Learning and Development. You will be able to qualify as an NVQ Assessor or Internal Quality Assurer or both at the same time as your teaching qualification. These options are designed to be cost effective compared to completing the courses separately at different times. Please double check you are eligible or have access to resources and learning opportunities that will enable you to achieve the combined options.

Course Delivery and Support of this course in teaching

This teaching qualification course is delivered by either blended learning or as classroom based. You are expected to meet all course requirements regardless of the method of delivery. There should be evidence of learning and meeting all the assessment criteria.

Fast track is also available to candidates who can work at a faster pace and have access to learning opportunities. You will also be expected to have the capacity to meet all course requirements within a shorter time scale and ideally have evidence of prior learning.

Classroom (Face-to-face Classes or Workshops)

This is the ideal course delivery as it allows all practical requirements to be demonstrated and observed in real time. All course requirements will need to be completed within the classroom.

Blended Learning

This mode of learning is ideal for candidates who want to complete part of the course by distance learning. All practical requirements of the course will need to be demonstrated or carried out either during classroom attendance or observed in real time by video.

Online (Distance Learning)

This mode of learning is ideal for candidates who want to complete the course entirely or mostly by distance learning. Evidence of practice will however need to be provided in the form of work products, expert witnesses, observations or any other appropriate and suitable method that demonstrates your competency.

All candidates will be allocated an assessor on enrolment and given access to coursework, resources and learning opportunities. Course events include forums, web conferences, and face-to-face sessions.

How long is this teaching training course?

We are often asked how quick someone can complete this teachers training course? This depends on a number of factors which includes your own commitment, the quality of your evidence, time, learning and assessment opportunities and your ability to study at a high level. Candidates joining the course with evidence of prior learning and credits from other qualifications will obviously be able to complete quicker than someone without. If you invest more time on the course such as 15 hours a week then you will most likely complete earlier compared to someone who commits less time. Please bear in mind that you will be required to evidence learning and participate in course activities. This is a regulated qualification that will be quality assured and monitored by awarding bodies and Ofqual. We however expect you to complete the course within 5 to 12 months.

Entry Requirements for this teaching qualification

This training for teaching course is open to anyone who can evidence 100 hours of teaching. Your teaching delivery can either be with an individual or group of learners. You will be expected to have basic numeracy, literacy and IT skills in line with national occupational skills for teachers. You are also expected to be committed and serious about achieving the qualification. All candidates (learners) should have access to the internet and a word processor.

Assessment of this New DTLLS

The Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET) course is assessed by a portfolio of evidence which you have to compile and submit at the end of the course. The assessment process will involve a range of methods such as prior learning, assignments, reflective accounts, witness statements, questioning observations of practice and work products.

You will normally be expected to complete nine assignments, submit work based evidence and demonstrate at least 100 hours of teaching by the end of the course. This can include any recent teaching you have carried out as long you can prove you have indeed taught as claimed. Holders of Ctlls and the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training Education will only be required to evidence up to 70 hours of teaching.

Coursetopia occasionally offers in-house placements for candidates who have skills and expertise to teach on some of our courses. Candidates who wish to be considered for a placement will need to apply by completing the form found here.

You will also be expected to be observed for a minimum eight hours which should be recorded at least eight times. Observations are expected to be a minimum 30 minutes long. Holders of Ctlls or the Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in Education and Training will only require a minimum of 5 observations totaling at least 5 hours as highlighted above.

What can l do after completion of this DET Course?

The qualification can be used in its entirety if you are a tutor or trainer. You can go on to apply for Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills status (QTLS) from the Society for Education and Training or complete other higher education courses including degrees.

Enrolment (Costs and Signing up)

Please only book if you fully meet all course entry requirements and feel ready to commit some time to achieve the qualification.

The course fee includes registration, support, tutorials, access to resources, assessments, quality assurance and certification. There are no hidden fees.

You are only enrolled when we receive payment for your booking. Payment is normally expected within 5 days from your booking. We are however flexible with corporate bookings where payment terms can be extended subject to arrangement. We also consider alternative customised instalment terms subject to negotiation. Please feel free to propose payment arrangements that suit your needs.

The full cost of the course is £980. You can also pay by instalments starting with a deposit of £220 and four monthly instalments. Each instalment will be £220.