Our aim is to ensure you have a smooth service. We however recognise that things can go wrong from time to time. We are therefore committed to be transparent an ensure we can work with you to put things right. This could result in an explanation, apology, signposting, referral to regulators or any other appropriate response.
Our complaints procedures should be treated in good faith and should not be mixed with other polices and procedures such as appeals and reasonable adjustment. These have their own procedures independent from our complaints. We however reserve the right to refer to out terms and conditions, regulations and legislation such as consumer law should this apply.
Our procedures are designed to be easy to understand and follow. Coursetopia commit to genuinely treat any complaint seriously and learn from it which in turn might lead to improvement of our services. We also commit to respond promptly and adhere to confidentiality. Where, you are a third-party consent might be required if you are complaining on behalf any of our learners. Our complaints procedures are made up of the three stages highlighted below.
This is the informal stage where you can speak or write to our admin (contact@coursetopia.co.uk) about your complaint. Complaints are acknowledged within 48 working hours. Your complaint will be investigated and the findings shared with you within 5 working days. If more time is required to complete the investigation this will be communicated to you.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome from stage one, you can enter the formal stage of our complaints where you will need to complete our online complaints form. You will be asked to provide more details about your complaint including dates and evidence. The matter will be investigated by a senior team member who was not involved in any stage of the complaint or subject to the complain its self. The findings of the investigation will be shared with you within 10 working days.
If you are not happy with the outcome from the formal complaint stage, your complaint can be referred to the centre manager. The centre manager will review your objections and either agree, vary, or overturn the original decision. The review will take up to 7 working days.
If the matter remains unresolved the centre manager will confirm all stages of our complaint’s procedures have been exhausted. You are then free to access the awarding body policies and procedures.