Coursetopia is a training provider that was established to work in partnership and assist you to achieve career enhancing or life changing qualifications. As long as you are committed to working hard and meet course requirements we guarantee you will achieve your qualification. We do not act like sales people and pressurise you in any way to sign up. We are happy to give you information that will assist you to make an informed decision regarding signing up or not. We deliver both regulated and bespoke courses using a number of methods such as face to face, distance and blended. We are also able to support learners who are willing to work extra hard to achieve their qualifications using our fast track service.
Our course delivery teams are occupationally competent and have experience in working in a number of sectors. This is of great benefit to our trainees as we embed real life experiences as part of our delivery. As we have also been learners we understand the dilemmas of learning and balancing day to day life as we offer a flexible approach to address your needs.
Coursetopia is not just a provider, we consistently carry out research and embrace evidence based practice. We have a committed and qualified team who have been delivering vocational qualifications for a number of years. Our course advisors are made up of teaching staff and are happy to give you free career advice.
We are committed to ensuring high standards throughout our courses and abide by awarding body and sector regulations. Coursetopia is committed to improving the quality of educational experience of all our trainees and encourage continuous professional development. We are also committed to provide an equal opportunities environment, promote inclusion and conducive learning environment. We appreciate equality and diversity and are proud of our holistic flexible approach that aims to meet the needs of learners and maximise their potential.
We promise to give it our all to ensure you have a great learning experience as we help you to reach where you want to be! We are also passionately committed to the principle of making high quality professional development opportunities available to all members of the staff team, both teaching and support staff. We work towards getting all members of staff to have their unique contribution to our successful educational provision. Coursetopia is proud to be committed and working towards a number of quality assurance schemes.